• Understanding Self-Consumption

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    You may have seen the large solar battery signs located around your neighborhood and city. These battery stores store extra energy from the sun to power electric vehicles. This is a great way to use less energy and help out the environment. The batteries store this energy until needed. Some solar battery companies sell these batteries in bulk, at discount prices, and some are sold by individual manufacturers. Check out this product to get started.

    Off-grid applications of solar batteries include charging mobile phones and small electronic devices. They can also charge an RV or boat's battery. The excess energy is used to power appliances and power lights in the home or on the go. Portable energy is useful for the traveler who uses an off-grid solar pv system or for the RV, boat or tent owner who wants to minimize fuel expenses and stay away from the "maintenance nightmare". Portable energy can also be a big help in remote places where utilities are inaccessible such as in remote Alaska or the deep south of Australia.

    Most people who use off-grid solar batteries prefer lithium ion. This type of battery is usually made from lithium metal that is coated with a polymer which gives it extra strength and durability. The added polymer makes the battery capable of storing more energy and is safer than other types. The most common types of lithium batteries used in on-grid applications are those made from lithium iron phosphate. This type of battery has better capacity and longevity than other types. Click here for more info.

    On the other hand, some prefer lithium-polymer (LiPo). This type of battery is made from Li+ compounds rather than Li+ ions. These compounds are safer and are better able to handle high discharge currents. Links are great for both on-grid and off-grid applications as their high performance and long storage capacity make them ideal home energy storage options.

    For those who want longer battery lives, lithium polymer batteries are definitely the way to go. On the downside, they have lower storage capacity than LiPos which can make them less useful during heavy discharge currents. They also have a shorter shelf life, which can be shortened by exposing the battery to too much heat. As a result, the batteries will need to be replaced more often. On the positive side, their lifespan is about twice as long as that of LiPos and this allows them to be a good choice for home energy applications.

    Home energy batteries are great for enabling families to save money and energy. However, it is important for consumers to understand how these batteries work so that they can make the best decision when purchasing one. Consumers should be sure to buy these batteries only after understanding how they work and how fast they lose their ability to store power. In order for consumers to effectively manage their electricity consumption off the grid, they need to have access to batteries that can reliably deliver energy even during times of low energy availability.



    For more tips, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnPRX5zQWLw.

  • A Beginners Guide To Buying Solar Batteries

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    Most solar batteries out there will last between fifteen to twenty years. That's a pretty significant amount of time, though, you'll probably want to replace them in the average 25 to thirty+ year lifespan of the solar array itself. So how do you choose which battery is right for you? There are basically two types of batteries. There are "maintenance-free" and "memory-active" batteries. Read more here.

    Maintenance-Free Batteries: These batteries require no special care, maintenance or monitoring since they operate by themselves. Maintenance-free batteries require a tiny bit of extra care in order to last longer. Flooded Lead Acid batteries (FLA) is a type of maintenance-free battery. Flooded Lead Acid batteries require a little more care, but they're larger and less expensive than standard AA-rated batteries. These batteries operate by charging up in the presence of an acid solution and then discharging to a neutral, or "hot" level.

    Memory-Active Batteries: Memory-active batteries have a built-in memory. This means that each time your Solar Power Systems is turned on, the battery remembers which cells have been used and which ones haven't. The battery stores this information so that it can remember when its next charge-cycle will be and what energy source it needs to power your power systems. The batteries are then able to last much longer than regular non-maintained batteries.

    It's important to note that memory-active solar pv batteries do not work like ordinary Ni-Cad batteries. Rather, they work in a completely different manner than typical Ni-Cad batteries. This is because the power systems run on direct current (DC), which the memory only recognizes as being the opposite of electric current. As such, unlike ordinary Ni-Cad batteries, memory-active PV batteries do not damage the cells when in operation. Check out RB Battery at this link for more details.

    The best batteries are designed with both a power storage and a power generation capability in mind. The best of these types of batteries have a combined capacity that's higher than any individual component. They also have a much longer lifespan than other types of batteries. Their lifespan can go up to ten years before having to be replaced.

    All Solar Batteries has two main types: those that use NiCad batteries and those that use Lead Acid batteries. Both of these main types of batteries are manufactured in a variety of shapes, sizes, and voltages. You can find the appropriate battery for your specific home solar systems and applications by simply considering the size, voltage, and lifetime you'll need. No matter what type of battery you choose, you'll be glad you had the opportunity to replace your existing batteries rather than purchasing new.



    Read more at http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/these-self-charging-car-batteries-could-revolutionise-the-electric-car_uk_59ee0bf3e4b00f0861a04e3a.

  • Solar Battery Bank - Essential

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    Solar batteries are used for powering electronic equipment such as calculator, cell phones, cameras, personal digital assistants, etc. These batteries are environmentally friendly as they do not emit any toxic or harmful gases during charging and discharging. In the process of making a solar battery the materials used are silicon based on indium gallium arsenide (CIG) chips, lithium metal hydride (Li-Hg) chips and peroxide (HO-Grapes). All these materials have their own advantages and disadvantages. While selecting the material, one has to take into consideration its price, endurance, ability to bear chemical reactions, mechanical stability, ability to retain or release energy, etc. Visit this site for more info.

    The usage of solar batteries is increasing day by day and the need for reliable and long-lasting batteries is also increasing. Hence, it is essential to purchase them from reputed manufacturers. There are manufacturers who offer customized and high quality rechargeable batteries at affordable prices. They work as per your specifications and can be used in every electronic device. Solar batteries are similar to other rechargeable battery storage systems, except that they store energy from the sun.

    The usage of solar batteries is increasing because of its portability, flexibility, environmental friendliness, electrical energy storage efficiency and extended product life. They can be used in almost all electronic equipment including calculators, cell phones, power tools, laptops and digital cameras. The best feature of these batteries is that they can be recharged and discharged many times. The best quality of this type of battery is the ones that have an electrolyte sealed lead-acid core and a solid glass mat that do not allow water to get in or out of the electrolyte. Also the best quality of this type of battery is that it works equally well if not better when compared to standard non-hybrid Li-ion and standard lithium-ion cells. Check out https://www.rbbattery.com/ to get started.

    Solar batteries are available in different sizes, shapes and voltage ratings. It is better to buy a battery which has a higher energy output than the one that you use on a regular basis. For instance, if you use your laptop frequently then a large capacity battery storage system should be bought so that you can use as much electricity as you want without worrying about overloading. Similarly, a backup battery storage system with a high energy output is useful if you frequently carry heavy electrical loads.

    A Solar battery storage system consists of several layers. The first layer is the glass mat that works as a protection layer. The second layer is the lead-acid coated metal core of the battery bank that maintains constant charge even during low activity levels. And, the third and last layer is an electrochemical separator which reduces the chances of chemical reactions that can lead to damage to the battery, increase in size and loss of energy.

    Flooded Lead-Acid Batteries are known for their high failure rate and short shelf life. To combat this the manufacturer packs the batteries in thick plastic sleeves and wraps them in copper sleeves. The thickness of the sleeves prevents water from seeping into the cells and increasing the capacity of the battery. These flooded batteries are known to produce low power output and short shelf life. They are best suited for low usage applications only such as mp3 players and laptops.



    Find out more about this at http://www.wikihow.com/Change-a-Car-Battery.